Monday, February 4, 2008

Hello, everyone!

Knitting tomorrow at Shades. I can give people a ride, but I won't be there for the next few weeks. Because work is ridiculous. But, last week, Brit took an awesome picture of some of us knitting, so it's going up! If I can figure out how.

Thanks, Brit :).

My scanner isn't the best of quality, so if you guys ever have pictures, email is probably the best.

Hope you guys are having a wonderful Monday! See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YES! That was great. That picture is the background on my comp now for sure.

I can come get people if need be. I'll be at Shades with my needles ready. ;]

Also, we should all be proud of Andy for finally spoiling herself at Loops!!!! BEAUTIFUL yarn!!!